In the beginning, was all about creating distinctive projects to advertise your product or service. We produced designs for brochures, letterheads, envelopes, mailers, etc. But, our main focus was designing websites for businesses, organizations and political campaigns. However, our emphasis has changed during our evolution. Now we spend most of our time, designing, building and maintaining Morbizco Internet Media websites.
During our earliest existence, some of the websites we worked on included sites of businesses not owned by our parent, Morbizco Internet Media. However, after awhile, we found, in order to do justice to our non-Morbizco website customers and Morbizco Internet Media sites, we encouraged our outside customers to enlist internet services not affiliated with GreatGraphix. That way we could concentrate our efforts on the Morbizco sites, which needed ever growing attention.
Since moving away from all outside customer projects we’ve been able to not only maintain our company owned sites properly, we’ve also undertaken a series of major upgrades to all currently operating Morbizco Internet Media websites. We’ve been switching over all Morbizco sites to the New, 21st Century, Responsive Design technology. The older versions of the sites, depended heavily on what is referred to as “tables” in the construction of the pages.
The tables system worked well when website visitors went to the sites using a desktop computer, but, “tables” made pages too rigid and non-conforming in devices with smaller screens.Since more and more people have purchased Mobile Computers of various sizes and Mobile Smartphones have taken on huge popularity, statistics show, at any given moment, there are huge numbers of people visiting websites on the small screen devices. That’s were Responsive Design technology comes in.
All pages in the Morbizco Internet Media website family now are constructed using Responsive Design. The result is that content on the pages no longer protrudes outside the monitor screen you’re viewing them in. The size of the images on the pages reduce down to the smaller size needed to view, completely, in your device, no matter what size of the screen in which you’re viewing them. In addition, the headlines and sentences no longer run outside your smaller screen, because the text content rearranges, automatically, to conform to your viewing screen, large, medium, or small.
We have completed our systematic upgrades of current Morbizco Internet Media websites at,,,,,,, and All of those sites are “ready for primetime”, but, the last in the series of upgrades,, itself, continues to be a work in progress, while we tend to some loose ends here and there on the other sites.